
Home Services

HS Classification:

As part of the customs brokerage support services, our team of experts utilizes Toriff to do the HS classification of goods. With a combination of expertise and technology, we find the HS code of a product based on its category or sub-category.

B3 Form Building:

The B3 Form building is another service provided by our team. Our trained professionals help licensed customs brokers to rapidly process shipments through customs. Our clients will vouch for our high accuracy and short turnaround times.

NAFTA Certificate Verification:

Also, as a part of the B3 form services, we also perform the NAFTA certificate verification. The NAFTA verification services that we provide ensure that the risks of incurring penalties are taken care of without a significant addition to your operating costs.

We are associate members of CSCB

FLatworld Solutions is a member of CSCBFlatworld Solutions, the parent company of Toriff, is an associate member of the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers [CSCB]

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Customer Testimonial

The Toriff team has done a superb job of integrating usability and efficiency.The UI is simplistic, yet brilliantly effective. And, of course, the dictionary feature makes code-searching a breeze. Well done, Toriff!

- Flatworld Solutions Customs Brokerage Department